FAWKES THE QUIET GUY - 7th to 8th November 2014

Fawkes The Quiet Guy was the first co-Director collaboration of Fiona Morgans and Elain Halloway. Written by Kjartan Poskitt, the storyline tells the tale of the famous Gunpowder Plot of 1605. 13 men, under the leadership of Sir Robert Catesby, decided to kill King James I and the Members of Parliament due to them ordering the expulsion of all Catholic priests from England. 36 gunpowder barrels were stored under the House of Lords. An anonymous letter was sent to Lord Monteagle, warning him to stay away from the Houses of Parliament on the night of the 5th November – this warning reached the King. His forces caught several of the conspiratators, including Guy Fawkes and, in celebration of his survival, King James ordered that tthere should be a great bonfire on the night of the 5th November. Placed on top was an effigy of the Pope – this has now been replaced by a ‘Guy’.
Miss Catherine Wheel – Eleanor WInterbottom
Sir Robert Catesby – Sean Granahan
Lord Mounteagle – Ben Bateman
Dorothy – Eloise Wood
King James – Seppe Agozzino
King’s Groom – Ollie Read
Sir Walter Raleigh – Emily Williams
Sir Robert Cecil – Ellie Rampton
Chris Wright – Alice Stephens
John Wright – Riannah Barry
Thomas Percy – Molly Montague
Ambrose Rookwood – Aurelia Abbotts
Robert Wintour – Aimee Fee
Thomas Wintour – Zoe Ryan
John Grant – Leah White
Everard Digby – Charlotte Keenan
Robert Keyes – India Morgan
Thomas Bates – Ethan Bartlett
Francis Thresham – Holly Rust
Maggie – Isobel Muchinenyika
Jenny – Katie Rust
Beth – Ruby McGivern
Denise – Darcy Drummond
Molly – Ellie Openshaw
Mrs Fawkes – Daisy Blackburn
Mrs Percy – Emma Keenan
Mrs Wright – Rebecca Hamer
Oliver Cromwell – Katie Conquest
Conductor and Keyboards – Charles Withall
Bass – Chris Cooper
Guitar – Patrik Toobe
Drums – Kiera Browne
Directors: Fiona Morgans and Elain Halloway
Musical Director: Charles Withall
Choreographer: Kayleigh Halloway
Director’s Assistant: Ollie Read
Musical Assistants: Tori Eglin & Rachel Glover
Choreography Assistants: Emily Williams & Jade Hollingshead
Wardrobe: Teresa Hollingshead
Technicials: Toyah Hollingshead & Ryan Messer
Stage Manager: Elain Halloway
Stage Crew: Chris Burchell, Rachel Winter
Publicity: Rachel Glover
Props: Chris Burchell, Sandie Thomson, Elain Halloway & Fiona Morgans
Chair: Fiona Morgans
Secretary: Sandie Thomson
Treasurer: Elain Halloway
Charles Withall, Karen Winterbottom, Kayleigh Halloway, Nick Brannam, Rachel Glover, Rachel Winter, Sally Manning, Teresa Hollingshead
Honorary Member: Hannah Williams