Three Murders, A Suicide and a Near Miss - 6-8th December 2006

Written by Alison Chaplin,Three Murders is based on Shakespeare’s play, Othello, so gave our cast a bit of culture, set to modern music!  Tom Jones’ ‘Delilah’ was reworked to be ‘Desdemona’; and not may classics incorporate ‘I Predict A Riot’ by the Kaiser Chiefs!

Director, Richard Cox, was studying Creative Industries at Winchester University and had created links with The Globe Theatre, London.  The cast travelled there for a workshop with a member of the Shakespeare company and got to perform a bit of the show on the famous Globe Theatre stage, with rapturous applause from the visiting tourists!

The show was performed at Central Studio, Queen Mary’s College, Basingstoke. 


Announcer   –  Max Harwood                                       Iago   –   Andy McKay

Othello   –  William Sylvester                                       Desdemona   –   Lydia Thomson

Roderigo   –   Helen Drought                                        Cassio   –   Jessie Clinch

Duke of Venice/Idiot   –   Tori Eglin                         Brabantino / Clown   –   Samantha Cohen

Bianca   –   Danielle Ashby                                            Emelia   –   Chloe Lewis

Tiffania   –   Annie Powell                                               Montano   –   Beth Harding

Lodovico   –   Charley Clifforth                                 Gratiano   –   Lottie Kerr



#1   –   Ally Wallace Watson   #2   –   Emma Hawkins   #3   –   Laura Whitwell   #4   –   Morgan Sadler



Director   –   Richard Cox

Musical Director   –   Rachel Glover

Director’s Assistant   –   Sally Manning


Lighting    –  Matt ‘Greeny’ Green

Deputy Stage Managers/technicians   –   Craig Saunders & Becky Skelton

Scenery   –   Darren Capehorn


Secretary   –   Sandie Thomson                                    Treasurer   –   Elain Halloway