Revue-ing the Situation 29th May 2004

Revue-ing the Situation was the society’s second show and was made up from an assortment of sketched and songs; from the familiar to the ‘never before performed’. This included ‘Harry Potter & The Chamberpot of Secrets’ a sketch written by Richard Bond.
Director – Dawn Wylie
Musical Director – Rachel Glover
Assistant Musical Director – Catherine Banks
Assistants to the Director – Richard Bond, Sally Manning & Libby Ruskell
Chloe Such, Imogen Kent, Stephanie Bale, Samantha Cohen, Ben Summers, Harry Mills, Philip Sampson, Bronwyn Willsher,
Lydia Thomson, Kitty Burt, Brad Taylor, Nicola Welton, Charlotte Kerr, Leanne Saunders, Victoria Elliot, Katie Green, Rebecca Reid,
Anna Reid, Joe Humberstone, Ashley Rumble, Olivia Phipps, Kirsty Bennett, Oliver Rumble, Gemma Thomson, Lee Sutherland,
Andy Halloway, Clare Johnson, Katy Ladyman, Helen Drought, Katie Long, Amy Anderson, Carly Athawes, Jade Threlfall,
Joanna Bates, Tiffany Jackson, Chloe Harding, Anna Snowball, Rory Jackson

Chairman – Jenny Humberstone
Secretary – Sandie Thomson
Treasurer Caroline Bale
Members: Elain Halloway and Lee Sutherland (Youth rep)